Post Grad Life: The Selfish Six

Six months. I’ve been out of school for six months. It’s hard to believe that life in school is now a memory and I can actually use the phrase “when I was in college.”

Anyway, my first six months have been successful in my book because I have 2 part-time jobs, a consistent writing schedule, and several exciting opportunities on the horizon.

So, why is it when someone asks me, “how’s post-grad life?” I roll my eyes and groan like it’s been torture?

I covered that feeling in my last ‘post-grad’ blog here, and it’s still a work in progress. Millennials call it ‘Adulting.’ The word itself shows just how difficult it is for our kind to cross over to the adult side of life.

I promise for those of you who are concerned, it has been a great six months! That being said, here is something that has been on my mind in regard to my life right now.

From the moment I graduated, I have become increasingly selfish. It’s not a strange concept, we all deal with it, but I have definitely noticed it more now. The world has trained us in the way we should go after college: apartment, marriage, grad school, job in your field, etc. Taking all these things into account, I’m justified to make life all about me.


When will I be able to move into an apartment? Am I putting enough money away for student loans? What can I do to enjoy my life while I’m single?

These are just some of the topics that go through my mind every day. I know that we have to make decisions in our life to help move it forward. But there comes a point when post-college life is wrapped up in everything I want and everything I need. As a result, do you know what falls through the cracks?

My relationship with God.

I say that God has a plan for me, that He will direct my steps, but once I graduated, I hit the ground running, scurrying around trying not to lose my mind in reality. Suddenly, the race started, and I must run like the wind to feel like I am doing something worth reporting to the world.

As much as I trust God with the path of my life, I am far too obsessed with trying to make it a good one for me. I should be more concerned with everything that God wants for me and everything God needs me to do while I’m here on this earth. That’s easier said than done, but I need to be reminded of that fact constantly or else I will never be satisfied with what I can get out of life.

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. ∼Ephesians 4:1

More than likely, God is going to completely change the direction of my path, which is scary. And He is going to make things happen according to His timing, which is frustrating.

What I would like to encourage is that you “post-gradders” keep God first. Jesus is the most important aspect of our lives and what’s great is that he covers all the other aspects.

What I love about Him is that He is my Chief Constant. No matter what changes in my life (school, job, relationship, home), Jesus is by my side.
Because He’s there, I need to treat Him like He is all those things to me.

Make Him first.

Keep Him first.

And the best is yet to come.

God Bless!



Published by Leah Jordan Meahl

I'm a Christian author here to share with you my journey not only as a writer but also most importantly as a Christian who seeks to grow in faith and honor God in all that I do.

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